Elenydd Mysteries

Historic features hidden in the landscape around us

Elenedd Mysteries: Lluest Abercaethon

Does this ruined farmstead near Rhayader hold a 4,000 year old secret?

Jenny Hall and Paul Sambrook of Trysor, Archaeological & Heritage Consultancy, share the results of an investigation into a possible Bronze Age Ring Cairn located in the Clettwr valley near Craig Goch.

Elenedd Mysteries: Maenhir

What can local legends and ancient maps tell us about this mysterious stone?

Jenny Hall and Paul Sambrook of Trysor, Archaeological & Heritage Consultancy, share the results of an investigation into Maenhir, a possible neolithic monument in the Elan Valley.

Elenedd Mysteries: Carn Ricet

How much do you know about medieval rabbit warrens, Victorian archaeology, and purple moor grass?

Join Paul and Jenny from Trysor, Archaeological & Heritage Consultancy, as they investigate a Bronze Age cairn and other earthworks near Cwmystwyth and Pont -ar- Elan using historical maps of the area and advanced imaging techniques.

With thanks to Stephanie Kruse, Cultural Heritage Officer at Elan Links.

Copyright Trysor 2021.